
Temmuz, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Privacy Policy of Let's Describe

Let’s Describe ( “App” ) is developed by Arda Gökalp Batmaz ( “Developer” ) in the AIForSociety ( “Company” ). You agree to Privacy Policy by using Let’s Describe. When the Member uses Let’s Describe; or somehow communicates with Let’s Describe, Let’s Describe collects information about the Member in accordance with the nature of the information and transaction within the current technical possibilities. The Member accepts, acknowledges, and promises that his / her personal information and data might be used in a limited manner by the Company and/or through Let’s Describe to the extent that it is limited to the format and purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy.This Privacy Policy complies with the Families Policy Requirements on Google Play Store. The Company might collect the Member's personal information (user name, email, the photos shared while being on Let’s Describe) and the activities taking place under Let’s Describe in order to provide better service to the Member to fa